
FabCar is a project in which students fabricate most of the individual components of the vehicle. Some of the parts are provided, and students create what they need to make an electric car that can move around either with a remote control or autonomously. The basic car can be made in about one term of 70 minute periods meeting three to four times a week. This project is a good followup to the FoamJumper project.


Here are photos of the project: http://flickr.com/search/?q=fabcar&w=13559856%40N00



two dc motors


copper clad board


1/2" plywood

1/4" luan plywood

cds for wheels

center adaptors for cds

1/8" threaded rod with nuts

double push double throw switches, two or more for each car

crown gear

rubber band for belt


Fabricated materials (these were made on the lasercutter)

dc motor holders cut to fit snugly on the dc motors

pulleys with an interior dimension of .12 inch and 4" outer dimension



hacksaw for cutting threaded rod


soldering iron
